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Southern Sierra Miwuk Language Revitalization Efforts

Endangered Language-Big TELL 2022:


Keeping our language alive

Bi-monthly Southern Sierra Miwuk classes are held at the Miwu-Mati Family Healing Center on Sundays. Tony Cabezut, tribal member and retired Spanish teacher, instructs the class with the help of three native speakers. Contact us for more details.

Miw'uu attik' uchup
Our people still live.

We ask you now


'és/pa/tok/muh/mèe 'íw/win

he/yáw/ŋe/mah/hìi káp/tan/me/tii/mah/hìi

ṭə́n/ṭən/nəp/pùu chə/tə́y

'i/tán/'ok 'ít/chə/kòo ṭə/lə́l/ləy

'i/tán/'ok ho/yé' 'áy/tuu/mè' míw/ṭəy/yà'

--ko/tōo/non/'u/chà' hó'/'ay

ném/mo/'òk ho/yít/tət–

'út/chu/ni'/mah/hìi wál/li/hèt

hó'/'ay che/chíi/wə/ni'/mah/hìi

wə/'ə́'/'a'/mah/hìi míw/ṭəy/yaŋ.

We ask now for help

in calling our representatives

and asking them to decide well

so that our people

–of the past and of the future–

can live with calmness (peace)

and continue our ways.

Kawiinətishshii, 'utchuhakme' net'ok mitaanon nəmih net'ok halle'həə miwdtəyyang

We are still here! We have been here forever, it seems, in this land of the Miwuk.

             Southern Sierra Miwuk Language Dictionary

Last update: 07/23/2024

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